“Beginner Henna, Glitter and Jagua”

Target audience :
debutante. Nevertheless, the training is accessible at all levels (intermediate and professional).
No prerequisites are necessary to integrate this training.
Goals :
• Acquire the basics of tattooing with natural henna, glitter and Jagua
• Acquire the techniques and know-how of henna tattooing
Duration :
two days, seven hours a day, for a total of fourteen hours.
Price: the cost is 640 € net
Training program :
Day 1 :
• Theory and History of Henna, Jagua and Sequins
• Learning how to make the paste and the henna cone
• Theory and legislative standards on products
• Study of the different basic patterns
• Putting into practice (exercises on sheets and/or practice hands)
• Transfer method and practice of Jagua
Day 2:
• Theoretical evaluation
• Familiarization and maintenance of equipment
• Techniques and methods of positioning on hands and feet
• Learning the different henna application techniques
• Practice with henna and sequins
• Realization of light and loaded models
• Final evaluation (model loaded with henna on training hand)
Evaluation :
the trainee is evaluated on the second day of training first on the theoretical courses (40%) then on the practical courses (60%). The sum of the two ratings is the final rating.